And the Assets:Car account will have nothing in it as it should. When you sell it: Assets:Car->Assets:Checking 2000. Now the asset accurately reflects that it is only worth 2000: Assets:Car 2000. Used in combination with the PriceDb to get the current value of the portfolio. Last year: Assets:Car -> Expenses:Car Depreciation. After a model is created, with given % allocations, it generates a report to compare the assigned allocations to the current ones.
In addition, this keeps a separate database of security and currency prices to avoid adding extra weight to a GnuCash database. GnuCash is also the first free software application to support the OFX (Open Financial Exchange) protocol that many banks and financial services are starting to use. It has an X based graphical user interface, double entry, a hierarchy of accounts, expense accounts.

There is support for customer, vendor and employee processing. The accounting program is not only free it is overwhelmingly. It is a fit for both individual and mid-sized business use. It is a free application designed to help users manage their financial accounts in an easy, streamlined manner. It can track finances in multiple accounts, keeping running and reconciled balances. View Alternative products ' Finance manager software ' Overview GnuCash is a finance manager and organizer. I found it difficult and slow to add scripts to the original F::Q and added a few providers that I use here. Gnucash provides accounting functions suitable for use by small businesses and individuals.
There seems to be plenty of additional projects out there made by people who miss certain functionality and write their own code to get to the goal they are after. Nonetheless, GnuCash can be a decent base for a portfolio manager as it contains all the transactions. The main drawback of the current reports in GnuCash is that they treat every position as separate, so the same security held at two different brokers is treated as two completely separate entities. You may be disappointed to find out that GnuCash is not a personal finance manager, nor an investment portfolio manager, but a double-entry accounting application.